Challenges & Opportunities: Trace Genomics' Diane Wu, Poornima Parameswaran

On any given day, Diane Wu and Poornima Parameswaran can be found on the farm, in the lab or inside the agtech incubator in Salinas. Their venture combines all three aspects.

Trace Genomics, launched in 2015 as a microbial evaluation system to detect diseases in soil. emerged in the Salinas Valley a year ago when it won the 2016 THRIVE Accelerator competition beating out 10 other finalists out of a pool of 200 applications from 36 countries.

Founded by Wu and Parameswaran, two young Ph.D.s from Stanford University ...

Part 2: Challenges and Opportunities

From Farms to Incubators: Stories of minority women entrepreneurs in agtech in the Salinas Valley and beyond. The series is sponsored by a grant from the International Center for Journalists. Part Two focuses on the emergence of agtech, a new generation of young women in the agtech space, and the challenges and opportunities they face.

"Change is the only constant in life” — Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher.

Part 1: Transforming Time and Generations

From Farms to Incubators, profiling minority women entrepreneurs in AgTech in the Salinas Valley and beyond. This  series, published in The Salinas Californian, is sponsored by a grant from the International Center for Journalists. 

“I must study politics and war, that my sons may have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, and naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.”

- John Adams, second U.S. president

First of a three-part series